KIT Helicopter Operations | Eagle 407HP

KIT Helicopter Operations | Eagle 407HP < Return to ProjectsProjectsAvionics UpgradesBell 407Cargo HookEagle 407HPFire FightingHelicopter ConversionHelicopter PaintHoneywell HTS90Interior UpgradesMedicalUtility ConfigurationBell 407 Conversion to an Eagle 407HP Fully upgraded avionics systems specific to missions Highly configured for utility missions Upgraded interior Cargo hook Custom paint The Eagle 407HP features a Honeywell HTS900 engine with a dual centrifugal compressor and cooled turbine ...

Nevada Department of Wildlife | Eagle 407HP

Nevada Department of Wildlife | Eagle 407HP < Return to ProjectsProject TagsBell 407BoatingEagle 407HPWildlife ManagementBell 407 Conversion to an Eagle 407HP Highly configured aircraft for the management of fish and wildlife resources, as well as promotion of boating safety in Nevada With over 117,000 acres of wildlife habitat, NDOW needed an aircraft that was able to perform in Nevada’s towering ...

Capitol Helicopters | Eagle 407HP

Capitol Helicopters | Eagle 407HP < Return to ProjectsProjectsB HECBell 407ConstructionEagle 407HPFire FightingUtility supportBell 407 Conversion to an Eagle 407HP Highly configured aircraft used for utility support, construction and fire fighting Equipped with a class B HEC cargo hook allowing for human external load capabilities External load operations for remote and hard to reach locations Wildland firefighting support Frost abatement ...

Airlife Denver | Eagle 407HP

Airlife Denver | Eagle 407HP < Return to ProjectsProjectsBell 407Eagle 407HPHoneywell HTS90MedicalBell 407 Conversion to an Eagle 407HP First medical conversion of a Bell 407 to the Eagle 407HP The Eagle 407HP features a Honeywell HTS900 engine with a dual centrifugal compressor and cooled turbine blades and nozzles Increased power margins resulting in higher payload capabilities, fuel efficiencies and ultimate ...